Twenty-first Century "maritime Silk Road" and the international communication platform

Interview: Ambassador says China, Thailand should seize opportunity to promote ties after 19th CPC National Congress

2017-11-21 11:39:04   By:Xinhua    Hits:

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) marks a starting point of new journey in China's development and generates new opportunities for China-Thailand cooperation, Chinese Ambassador to Thailand Lyu Jian said.

The 19th CPC National Congress, held in Beijing in October, is a grand event that attracted the attention of not only people from across China but also around the world, Ambassador Lyu told media organizations from the Thai-Sino Association of Press.

He said the party congress came up with major political judgments such as socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved.

It also went into greater depth on the historic mission of the CPC in the new era, set forth the basic policy of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and made an overall plan for advancing the cause of the party and country, he said.

He emphasized that the most important theoretical achievement of the 19th CPC National Congress is the establishment of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guiding thought of the party.

"It serves as a theoretical guidance for the development of various undertakings in China," Lyu said.

Besides, the 19th CPC National Congress focused on people's aspiration for a better life and laid down the platform and blueprint for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, he said, adding that the congress stated explicitly that China would complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020, basically realize socialist modernization by 2035, and develop itself into a great modern socialist country by the middle of the century.

"The 19th National Congress, while guiding China in its pursuit of development, will also provide China-Thailand relations with new opportunities," Lyu noted.

First, there will be opportunities for the two countries to share experience in state governance so as to build up confidence in the path of development that suits respective national conditions, he said.

Lyu elaborated that China's course of development offers other developing countries a new approach toward modernization, and both China and Thailand are developing countries at similar development stage with similar development tasks.

"China pursues innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development and stays committed to developing a modernized economy, while Thailand upholds the 'sufficiency economy' proposed by His Majesty Late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, puts forward Thailand 4.0, Digital Thailand and the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), and works on a national development strategy for the next 20 years," said the ambassador.

"In the future, China and Thailand can have more communication on development philosophy, strategies and measures so as to learn from and complement each other, and add fresh impetus to each other's growth," he added.

Secondly, he said, there will be opportunities for the two countries to conduct mutually beneficial cooperation with a higher quality at a higher level and jointly promote economic and social development.

"China's new policies and plans for building a modern socialist China, such as supply-side structural reform, industrial transformation and upgrading, innovative growth and Belt and Road international cooperation, have provided historic chances for China and Thailand to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation," he said.

As the second largest economy of Southeast Asia who enjoys advantages in geographical location and business environment, Thailand can also play an important role in and gain long-term benefits from the Belt and Road Initiative, he said.

He added that China has made positive progress and gathered abundant experience in digital economy, sharing economy, clean energy and other fields, and is working to build new areas, such as the Xiongan New Area and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

"China is willing to explore ways for cooperation in the above areas with the Thai side," he said.

Thirdly, he said, there will be opportunities for the two countries to expand cooperation in international and regional affairs, and press ahead with the building of the community of shared future in Asia.

"The Chinese side will continue to support Thailand in taking part in international and regional affairs, expand bilateral and friendly cooperation with Thailand to cover multilateral areas, and jointly make contribution to world peace and development," he said.

"I believe that as socialism with Chinese characteristics enters the new era, and major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics strives to forge a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation and the community of shared future for all mankind, new drivers will be generated for China-Thailand cooperation," said the ambassador.

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