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Bomb attacks in Myanmar's northern state affect govt's effort on national reconciliation: Aung San Suu Kyi

2018-02-24 15:00:33   By:Xinhua    Hits:

YANGON, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday said the deadly bomb attacks at two banks in Lashio, Shan State on Wednesday affected government's efforts for national reconciliation.

The explosion hit Yoma bank, affecting nearby AYA bank, killing two female staffs of the former bank, injuring 21 others.

The state counselor condemned the bomb attacks targeting public areas and innocent civilians.

The authorities are investigating the incident and tight securities measures have been imposed on Lashio.

Lashio, a major trading town in northern Myanmar, is the capital city of the country's Shan state where several ethnic armed groups are active.

Earlier this month, two more ethnic armed groups -- the New Mon State Party and Lahu Democratic Union joined the government's ceasefire pact, bringing the total number of ethnic groups that have joined the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord to 10.

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